Taxi information in Mahdia was updated 344 days ago. Update info

Taxis in Mahdia, Tunisia

Taxi services available for booking
Information not available yet

Taxi rates Mahdia 2024

Presented below taxi rates and fares are estimates. The actual numbers for your taxi rates and fares in Mahdia, Tunisia may differ.

Information about Mahdia rates is not available as of last update.

Taxi fares in Mahdia 2024. Projections for Class

The price for a taxi in Mahdia will be calculated as follows: for example, riding on Class - 5 trip would cost 0 , 10 trip would be 0 , 20 ride would be charged at 0 and 50 ride would set you off for 0 .

Taxi fare calculator Mahdia

Calcuate a taxi fare in Mahdia
Note: actual prices for Uber, Lyft, and other taxi services can be slightly different from calculated fares.